923 8th St, Farmington, MN 55024 -- at the Farmington Mall
Day Care - Training - Boarding - Grooming - Retail Supplies
Educating People and Pets
Fissan Training Kennels LLC

Elysia Mader FTK Manager and Trainer

Hello, My name is Elysia. I am the Manager of FTK & one of the Trainers. I have been around dogs all my life, my mom always did obedience classes with our family dogs. I have always been interested in them and how they work. I love being around all kinds of dogs in all aspects from training to regular grooming and care. I was always very hands on as it was just a part of our families everyday life. Dogs were always something I had as a skill but I did not know I could unlock such potential until I met Carol on the “Dog World” side. I have gotten to know Carol (Head Trainer/Owner) through going to school with her children, and I would always remember seeing her American Eskimos & Jack, her collie. As Rob & Carol (Owners) decided to open this facility & I met with them at the shop for the first time, I felt incredibly welcome and at home. We have stuck with each other ever since and I am grateful for all of the opportunities they have given me. I have a German Shepard who has grown up here at Fissan named Major & a Husky named Kia who we had gotten through special circumstances as well as an Australian Shepard named Rizzo. I now Co-Own an American Eskimo with Carol named Dove. I am very big on having a foundation with your dogs. Very basic obedience will shape your dog into a well rounded family member. Here at Fissan we give you the tools to teach you how to teach your dogs because at the end of the day they don’t go home with us, they go home with you. Everyone’s household is different & you have to decide what you are looking for out of your dog. I hope you all enjoy taking class and bonding with your pups. We are looking forward to getting to know you and your dogs!